
  • Event Categories

  • Location

  • Athletic Schedules

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 26
  2. 27
  3. 28
  4. 29
  5. 30
  6. 31
  7. 1

    Klondike Tournament

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue vs TBA

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue vs TBA

    Dual Match (Blue)


    Klondike Tournament

    Basketball-MS Boys White vs Klondike


    Gym - Beal
    Basketball-JV-Boys vs TCA Willow Park


    Gym - Beal
    Basketball-JV-Girls vs TCA Willow Park


    Gym - Beal
    Basketball-Varsity-Girls vs TCA Willow Park

    Klondike Tournament

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue vs Klondike


    Gym - Beal
    Basketball-Varsity-Boys vs TCA Willow Park

    Klondike Tournament

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue vs Klondike

    Klondike Tournament

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue vs Midland Classical Academy

    Klondike Tournament

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue vs Midland Classical Academy
  1. 3

    Winter Milestone Testing

    Students in Grades 3 - 8 will sit for the Milestone assessment for Reading and Mathematics. These assessments are designed to take 45 minutes and provide results that impact instruction.

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue

    Gym - Beal
    Basketball-MS Girls Blue vs TLCA Midland

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue vs St. Mary's

    Basketball-MS Boys White

    Gym - Beal
    Basketball-MS Boys White vs TLCA Midland
  2. 4

    Winter Milestone Testing

    Students in Grades 3 - 8 will sit for the Milestone assessment for Reading and Mathematics. These assessments are designed to take 45 minutes and provide results that impact instruction.

    Alumni Panel

    Commons - Commons - 1

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons


    Basketball-JV-Girls vs Lubbock Christian School

    Dual Match (Blue)

    Playing Fields - Trinity Tennis Center - 1
    Tennis-Spring-Varsity vs Midland Classical Academy

    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.


    Basketball-JV-Boys vs Lubbock Christian School


    Basketball-Varsity-Girls vs Lubbock Christian School


    Basketball-Varsity-Boys vs Lubbock Christian School
  3. 5

    Winter Milestone Testing

    Students in Grades 3 - 8 will sit for the Milestone assessment for Reading and Mathematics. These assessments are designed to take 45 minutes and provide results that impact instruction.

    LS Chess Match vs Fasken

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Lower School age chess players will host the Fasken chess group.
  4. 6

    Winter Milestone Testing

    Students in Grades 3 - 8 will sit for the Milestone assessment for Reading and Mathematics. These assessments are designed to take 45 minutes and provide results that impact instruction.

    TCA Charger Corner Open

    Parent Prayer Group

    6 Simmons - Student Center - 626

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons

    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.


    Basketball-JV-Boys vs Lake Country Christian


    Basketball-JV-Girls vs Lake Country Christian


    Basketball-Varsity-Girls vs Lake Country Christian


    Basketball-Varsity-Boys vs Lake Country Christian
  5. 7

    Winter Milestone Testing

    Students in Grades 3 - 8 will sit for the Milestone assessment for Reading and Mathematics. These assessments are designed to take 45 minutes and provide results that impact instruction.

    US All-Region Jazz clinic/concert

    McMurry University - Abilene

    Grade 1: Penguin Informational Program

    An informational program for family and friends about everything you need to know about our favorite bird that cannot fly...a PENGUIN!

    Mrs. Adams: 8:45-9:30
    Ms. Miller: 9:30-10:15
    Mrs. Weaver: 9:30-10:15
    Mrs. Lawrence: 10:15-11:00
  6. 8

    US All-Region Jazz clinic/concert

    McMurry University - Abilene

    Admission Testing

    Commons - Wolbert Media Center - 202

    Admission Testing

    Commons - Wolbert Media Center - 202
  1. 9
  2. 10

    Spelling Bee

    6 Simmons - Student Center - 626
    This spelling bee, for whom 4th - 8th grade, class reps compete for the title to go onto to represent Trinity School in the regional spelling bee later in the spring.

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue

    Basketball-MS Girls Blue vs Angelo Catholic School

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue

    Basketball-MS Boys Blue vs Angelo Catholic School

    Basketball-MS Boys White

    Basketball-MS Boys White vs Angelo Catholic School
  3. 11

    Math League Exam

    7 de Compiegne - Flex 2-east - 708

    TCA Executive Meeting

    Commons - Wolbert Media Center - 202

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons

    Dual Match (Blue)

    Playing Fields - Trinity Tennis Center - 1
    Tennis-Spring-Varsity vs Lubbock Trinity Christian

    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.


    Baseball vs Stanton High School
  4. 12

    Spring Picture Day

    Gym - Beal
    Yet to be determined divisions will have class and graded group photographs taken. In addition, those families pre-purchasing individual student photos will be taken this day too.

    LS Chess Match vs Greenwood

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Lower School age chess players will host the Greenwood chess group.
  5. 13

    Parent Prayer Group

    6 Simmons - Student Center - 626

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons

    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.
  1. 16
  2. 18

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons

    Tennis-Spring MS


    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.

    Dual Scrimmage Match (White)



    Baseball vs TLCA Midland
  3. 19

    Grade 1 to Greathouse Manor Park

    Greathouse Manor Park
    Mrs. Adams and Ms Miller's students will be reading books and playing BINGO with their Senior friends at Manor Park.
    Contact: Terry Miller

    LS Chess Match vs Classical

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Lower School age chess players will host the Midland Classical chess group.
  4. 20

    Parent Prayer Group

    6 Simmons - Student Center - 626

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons

    Dual Match (White)

    Playing Fields - Trinity Tennis Center - 1
    Tennis-Spring-Varsity vs Midland Classical Academy

    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.
  1. 24

    Dual Match

    Playing Fields - Trinity Tennis Center - 1
    Tennis-Spring MS vs Midland Classical Academy

    Grade 6-12 Band Plays at the Chap Center

    6th - 12th grade band students will be playing at a Midland College Basketball game at the Chap center.
  2. 25

    Legacy Invitational Tournament (Blue)

    Playing Fields - Bush Tennis Center - 1

    Grade 1 to Greathouse Manor Park

    Greathouse Manor Park
    Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Weaver's students will be reading books and playing BINGO with their Senior friends at Manor Park.
    Contact: Terry Miller

    LS Chess Match vs Hillander

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Lower School age chess players will host the Hillander chess group.


    Baseball vs TLCA Midland
  3. 26

    LS/PS Conference Day

    No school for LS/PS only

    Harlem Renaissance Festival Display

    5 - Williams Gallery - Gallery
    The Display will be in both the Williams Gallery and the Student Center. The Art display will stay on display for the week following the festival.
    Contact: Paige Gates

    TCA Charger Corner Open

    Tennis-Spring MS

    Tennis-Spring MS vs Midland Christian School
  4. 27

    Harlem Renaissance Festival Display

    5 - Williams Gallery - Gallery
    The Display will be in both the Williams Gallery and the Student Center. The Art display will stay on display for the week following the festival.
    Contact: Paige Gates

    Parent Prayer Group

    6 Simmons - Student Center - 626

    Texas Math League Test

    This test is for all 6th, 7th and 8th graders 

    Grade 3 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    Chess for 3rd and other approved students. This activity occurs most every Tuesday and Thursday after school in the Commons

    Grade 4-12 Chess Practice

    Commons - Commons - 1
    This group of students meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn and play competitive chess in the spring months. Contact Mrs. Clifton at is your student is interested.

    Grade 6-12 Band Concert

    Commons - Commons - 1
  5. 28

    Harlem Renaissance Festival Display

    5 - Williams Gallery - Gallery
    The Display will be in both the Williams Gallery and the Student Center. The Art display will stay on display for the week following the festival.
    Contact: Paige Gates

    All School Art Show

    Contact: Paige Gates


    Baseball vs Wink Varsity
  6. 1

Trinity School of Midland

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© 2019 Trinity School. All Rights Reserved.